Playground Closure

*Playground safety concerns – Given the current condition, it is recommended that the playground structure not be used by residents until proper repairs can be made. **
Hi Neighbors. The playground structure is starting to show its age and will require some attention in the coming weeks. Minor repairs will be made in the coming days to correct major safety concerns around loose boards, safety mulch and nails; however, the HOA has enlisted the help of GP Construction to assess the overall safety and provide possible solutions to repair or replace.
Additionally, given the age of the structures, replacement / major overhaul is likely the best option; however, wood prices are a hindering factor. All options are being considered at the moment including prefab metal structures and design build wooden structures within budgetary constraints. As such, the HOA is seeking feedback from Residents on possible options and public support for a large budget item with the intent of not creating an assessment to fund the project if possible. Approximate costs to consider: Minor repairs / hardware replacement – $2000; demo and replace with smaller structure – $6000, Replace structure completely -$10-14k. This issue will be discussed at the upcoming social event as well and all feedback is appreciated. If you have experience in this area or know someone with experience in commercial playground equipment, please contact the HOA directly.
Updates will be posted on this page as well as the HOA Facebook page,
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
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